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HobbySeeds | Tree Shrub Flower Seeds

An evergreen Tree growing to 30m at a slow rate. It is hardy to zone 8 and is frost tender. It is i..

Small colorful gardens, attractive and showy, good for container planting.A dwarf, bushy annual wi..

One of a number of maples renowned for their handsome white-striped green bark, this small deciduo..

It is a tree 5-20 m high with a dense spheric crown, stems and branches usually dark to black colo..

Eucalyptus botryoides has rough bark on its trunk and branches. It is found on sandstone- or shale-b..

The white mulberry is a medium large deciduous tree with a broad canopy renowned as a shade maker in..

Though pretty and fast-growing, black locust is weak-wooded, short-lived and generally weedy. It is ..

Paperbark maple is a small, oval to rounded deciduous tree native to central China. It has distinc..